Ally Ring

Hi, I’m Ally, a cyber-security student, software developer, and audio-visual technician.

Below are some of my skills:

Cyber Security

I’m learning cyber security through TryHackMe, and I have finished the “Jr Penetration Tester”, “Web Fundamentals”, “Complete Beginner”, “Pre-Security” and “Intro to Cyber Security” learning pathways.
I have also previously completed the SANS Foundations course.


I’m currently learning C# for an A-Level computer science course, and I am also learning Go for my personal projects.

I’m also confident using Python 3 and JavaScript, as well as the basics of tools like Git & GitHub in my workflow.


I volunteer at a local venue, where I’m responsible for running stage lighting, setting up networks for events, film projection, and general technical support for live events. I’m also in the process of learning how to run the sound for events.

During my time there, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a show for Grammy-winning artist Albert Lee; folk artists Reg Meuross and Steve Knightly; and many other local and regional bands.
I’ve also done lighting for conferences, as well as charity events and educational events.

© 2023 Ally Ring   •  Theme  Moonwalk